Monday, January 20, 2014

Help Needed

     Mark 10:46-52 and Luke 18:35-43

     A few weeks ago I was feeling like I wanted to do more to help at church.  I have definitely made a shift from helping at church to helping with the girls' schools and activities, and it's been a perfect switch for the time.  I have missed being involved with the families of our church on a more regular basis.  The last few months have been awesome...Lauren, Taylor and I help out once a month with the 2 & 3 year-olds.  Taylor also brings her keyboard and sings worship songs for both this age group and the 4 & 5 year-olds.  How sweet it's been to serve alongside my girls and watching their gifts and talents being used for Jesus.
     So along came an email just as I was contemplating how I could get a bit more involved looking for someone who would come up with craft ideas to go along with our stories of the month.  I definitely thought this was right up my alley and something I'd be interested in doing, especially since I didn't have to gather the materials, make the sample or anything...just get the ideas together and put it on paper for someone else to follow.  Basically, I would be writing a short craft lesson based on Bible stories...exactly what I LOVE to do in the classroom every day with our reading stories!
     So, I emailed our Children's Director back and said I was interested.  Guess what the first story would be....Bartimaeus, the man who couldn't see!  WHAT?  Are you kidding?  No way!  I knew this was definitely my new place to help.  Not only was the timing right, the story touches my heart each time I read it. 
     Bartimaeus is about a blind man who hears the commotion as Jesus is coming near and yells out, "Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me!"  Everyone tells him to be quiet, but he shouts all the more...and louder!  He knew Jesus could heal him, and Jesus does indeed heal him.  The things I love about this story are that even though others told him to be quiet, Bartimaeus shouts all the louder to the One who could heal him.  I want to be shouting to the One who can heal me in all situations.  In the midst of the crowd, Bartimaeus hears Jesus's voice.  I want to hear Jesus in the midst of my crowded life.  In the midst of the crowd, Jesus hears Bartimaeus.  Jesus always hears me when I call.  Bartimaeus threw off his cloak and ran to Jesus when he couldn't see but followed His voice.  I can run to Jesus even when I am not clearly seeing the path He's laid out for me to follow.  And best of all, Bartimaeus's first sight is that of his healer...Jesus.  Jesus heals us on the inside and out.  Taylor's first sight will be Jesus.  Oh, how comforting and beautiful that is for me all the time.

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